Action Research Paper, Tendo, M. and Adachi, T. eds., 2020

“Children’s Future and the Community Studies: Focusing on the Effect of Disasters on Children’s Lives”

Tendo, Mutsuko, Professor, Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University (Women’s Studies, Sociology of Education)

Adachi, Tomoaki, Professor, Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University (Developmental Clinical Psychology)


In Japanese academia, there is various accumulated knowledge based on theoretical and empirical research related to childhood and child studies, such as socialization, childcare, motherhood, parenting, nursery, the anxiety of childrearing, child abuse, and so on. Primarily, theoretical approaches to childhood and childhood studies were conducted in psychology and sociology in the field of social science.

The main issues of children and childhood studies in the 21st century in Japan are the declining birth rate, mothers’ isolation in childcare, child abuse, family education, social disparity and child poverty. Notably, we have to remember that the disaster in 2011 had a profound effect on children. Therefore, we need to develop new research into the effects of disasters on children’s lives.

Disaster and Children’s Lives

Japan experienced a severe disaster in 2011 when the Great East-Japan Earthquake and tsunami hit the Tohoku area. A magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck Japan on March 11, 2011. In that earthquake, tsunami, and the consequent Fukushima nuclear plant accident, more than 15,000 people lost their lives, and over 2500 were officially reported as missing (2011).

In the areas affected by this disaster, more than 40% of the households answered that their households had suffered more than before the earthquake, and about 60% said it was difficult to cover school expenses for their children (Kahoku Shinpo NP November 21, 2017).

These poverty issues threaten children’s equal opportunities for education and the right to learn, leading to a decline in their willingness to learn, resulting in poor academic performance. These results may be a cause of absence from school and increased bullying in the affected areas.

Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University Project

Since the earthquake, Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University students have provided learning support in coastal areas where the tsunami damage was severe, as well as in inland areas, where many of the victims were relocated.

As a university located in the disaster area (Miyagi Prefecture) that actively promotes regional revival, we aim to create a base for community research from a child-centered perspective. Child-centered community research also started focusing on the dignity of children and including children as active participants in society.

Learning support

We found that there are three essential issues to actively promote children’s rights for happy, safe, healthy lives.

Learning support has the function of promoting the personality of the child and strengthening the role of the family as a safe space for the mind. In this project, through an analysis of the current situation of learning support needs in disaster-stricken areas, a learning support program that meets those needs, promotes social and independent living, promotes healthy development, and builds a social space, will be developed and implemented.

Furthermore, through multifaceted reinforcement through learning support (parent support for childrearing, regional care support), we aim to restore the functions of watching and caring for children and their families (Adachi, T.).

Securing a space for children (ibasho)

Where do the children go after school? In the past, they could be found playing with friends in parks and nearby vacant lots. However, the community has dramatically transformed based on changes in lifestyles. Resulting in the reduction of playgrounds due to urbanization, the spread of information devices such as smartphones, the sparseness of local communities, and so on. In response to these, securing an after-school location that contributes to child safety and healthy growth is an important issue that must be considered in the region.

Optimal placement of children’s spaces in the region

The children spend time in places outside of home and school, but in many cases, there are not enough options for such locations. A location that is too far away increases the risk of traffic accidents, or of getting involved in crime. Research to support the creation of local children’s spaces using mathematical modeling of children’s spatial behavior and the optimal placement of such spaces using geographic information systems (GIS) and AI technology will be conducted in this study (Honma, Y.).

Food education

Rethinking the living environment after a disaster

The Annual Report of School Health Statistics Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has noted that Miyagi Prefecture has a higher incidence of obese children than the national average for both men and women. In coastal areas, in particular, the living environment changed after the earthquake disaster. The main changes are a decrease in the amount of exercise that children engaged in due to the loss of children’s playgrounds and other spaces. Also, an increase in obese children due to changes in the food environment. These two examples are regarded as particularly problematic.

Food environment and the risk of obesity

In our survey of about 2,000 4-year-old children attending daycare centers in Sendai city (2017), the risk of obesity was found to be high among household infants who do not have a lot of economic advantages. It became clear that this phenomenon was remarkable in infants. Other studies have also pointed out that so-called fresh foods such as fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits are less frequently consumed in households that are economically challenged, and that instant noodles are more frequently consumed. From these facts, it can be seen that after major disasters, it is necessary to examine food support in consideration of the family environment, including economic conditions, in order to improve the food environment for children (Tanno, K.).

children’s rights

Figure 1 Child-centered perspective and the three key projects

Regional Child Studies, Activities in 2019-2020

Mobile kitchen, designed by Associate Professor K. Tanno. and Professor Y. Honma

Outdoor education materials for children and students, organized by Prof. K. Nishiura, and Prof. T. Adachi, collaboration with Kodomo-en in the forest at MGWU, Japan

Global collaboration

1)International workshop on Childhood and Education Studies from Global Perspective, at Waseda Hoshien, with Professor Tien-Hui Chiang(Taiwan), ISA RC-04 vice president, and with Professor Nobuo Makino, Aug. 2019

2) Visiting research at Kids’ City, in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2020

3) Prof, M. Tendo Interviewed with Professor Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson at Gothenburg University (Göteborgs universitet), Sweden
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Professor in Early Childhood Education, UNESCO Chair in ECE and Sustainable Development, Former world president of OMEP


Mutsuko Tendo, Ph.D., has been a professor of General Education at Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University (Japan) since 2015. Her research interests include Women’s Studies, the Sociology of Education, and Family Sociology, with a particular interest in childcare, education, and women’s empowerment. She was the president of the International Society for Gender Studies in Japan from 2013 to 2014. Since 2010, she has served as a member of the board of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology (JSES) and a member of the Science Council of Japan since 2017.

Tomoaki Adachi, Ph.D.is a Professor of the department of Education at Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University, Director of Chiiki Kodomogaku Kenkyu Center (Regional Child Studies Center) at MGWU. He also serves as a leader of the non-profit organization entitled, “the Great East Japan Earthquake, Children and Youth Support Center.”

Yoshinori Honma, Ph.D.is a Professor of the department of Lifestyle and Space Design, MGWU. He specialized in building physics, especially in the areas of hydrothermal environment in building. He is interested in Ergonomics, and Mathematical Modeling in architecture and City planning. h, Education at Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University,

Kumiko Tanno, Ph.D.is an Associate Professor of the department of Food and Nutritional Science, Faculty of Human Life Science at MGWU. She is interested in Nutrition education. She is a registered dietitian.

References(main books, paper, presentations by contributors, 2018-2020)

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西浦和樹 Nishiura, Kazuki

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